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A quick start guide to using Eedi Beta
A quick start guide to using Eedi Beta

Learn the essentials for using Eedi Beta, including setting up your classes, assigning quizzes and checking your quiz results!

Updated over a week ago

Ready to begin using Eedi Beta? Click on the headings below to learn how to get started with the new platform 🙂

How to try Eedi Beta

  • Log in to your teacher account on Eedi as normal.

  • In the bottom left corner of the navigation click on your name and a menu will open.

  • In this menu click on “Switch to Eedi Beta” and it will redirect you to the new site.

The next time you log in you will automatically be directed to Eedi Beta.

How to go back to the existing version of Eedi

Don’t worry! If you aren’t quite ready to commit to the new site yet, you can take a look and easily switch back to the existing version of Eedi, which we are calling Eedi Legacy.

  • Once on Eedi Beta, click on your profile image in the bottom left of the navigation.

  • Click "Switch to Eedi Legacy” from the menu to be redirected.

Class Context

The first important change to understand is that everything has been moved into a class context, meaning every time you use Eedi Beta you will need to choose which class you would like to look at. This will change the entire site to be focused just on that class.

It's easy to switch classes! Click on the class selector drop-down at the top of the page and choose the class you’d like to see.

Once selected the whole class will update to focus on the newly selected class.

How to add Classes and Students

Adding classes to Eedi is essential in order to experience the full benefits we have to offer. Before adding students to Eedi, you will need to create your class.

Adding classes:

There are 2 ways you can create a class:

  1. From the drop-down class selector:
    - Click on the class selector,

    - Scroll to the bottom of the list.

    - Click "Add Class".
    - The existing steps to add a class will appear (see details below).

  2. Manage Classes in Settings:
    - Go to your "Settings" page.
    - Click on "Manage classes" within the sub-menu.
    - Click on the "+ Add Class" button.
    - The existing steps to add a class will appear (see details below).

Once you've followed either option above, you'll be asked to enter your class name, department and year group, and choose any other teachers you'd like to add to the class. After this is done, click the "Create" button to create your class.

Our existing student upload tool will appear for you to begin adding your students. You can enter their details manually, or copy and paste them in bulk, directly from your own spreadsheet.

Adding students to a class:

When creating a new class as above, it will give you the option to upload students to that class. If you choose not to, or want to add some more later on, you can do so by:

  • Going to your "Settings" page.

  • Click on "Students" in the sub-menu.

  • You’ll see one of two views on this page depending on whether or not any students have already been added to the class.

    • If there are no students in the class you will see this:

    • If there are already students in the class you’ll see this view. Clicking on the “+ Add students” button will open the same modal as clicking the “Add students manually” button on the screen above.

There are 2 options to add students to the class:

  1. Give students an invite code and allow them to sign up themselves:

    • If no students are in the class yet you will automatically see your class invitation code. Alternatively, click on the “+Add students” button to view the code.

    • Give the code to your students and direct them to

    • On the signup page they should click the “Students” option. Here they will be asked to enter the invite code.

    • Once done they will automatically join their class.

  2. Add students to the class yourself:

    • Clicking on the “+ Add students” button will open the same modal as clicking the “Add students manually” button in the screenshot above. Once in this modal you have two options for adding students:

      • Add new students: Use our bulk invite tool to paste in a list of students from a spreadsheet, or add details manually.

      • Add existing students: Select students who are already registered with your school on Eedi to add to the class.

Note: When you add a new class it doesn’t switch your website view to that new class, so you will still need to select it from the drop-down.

How to Plan and Set Work

Click on the “Plan” page in the main navigation and you’ll see the new weekly calendar view 🎉

  • In Eedi Beta, rather than choosing start/end dates, all assignments are set to a particular week (7 days). Assignments will start at the start of that week and end at the end of the week. Under each week heading, you'll see the corresponding dates.

  • You can choose what day of the week your “week” starts and ends on. For example, maybe you teach a class on Wednesday and would like their homework to be available from Wednesday to Tuesday. To do this:

    • Click on the Settings cog icon in the top right of the calendar view.

    • Choose a start day from the drop-down and click “Update”.

    • Navigate back to the Plan area, and you’ll see that your weeks have been updated. Any future assignments will be updated to match the new week's dates.

  • You can plan one week at a time, or you can plan over a longer period to prepare yourself for the term/school year ahead. We’d recommend planning at least a few weeks ahead at all times to receive the full benefits of Eedi.

    • By default, you'll see your current week, and 12 weeks ahead.

    • You can navigate between previous and future weeks using the arrows at the bottom of the page. If you get too far ahead, click the "This week" button to jump back to the current week.

  • Retrieval and Prerequisite quizzes will automatically be set as assignments once your class becomes eligible for them.

    • Plan at least 2 weeks ahead to ensure that students always get time to complete a Prerequisite quiz.

    • Retrieval will be unlocked once a class has completed at least 3 topic assignments.

To set work:

  • Find the week you want to assign a quiz to and click on the “Set Work” button within that week. This will open the Set Work screen where you can browse through our quizzes.

  • Viewing and searching for quizzes works in the same way. You can browse through all of our content, and click on specific questions within quizzes to find the supporting lesson materials we have to offer for those very questions.

  • Click the “Assign this quiz” button to assign your chosen quiz to your selected week.

To move or delete quizzes:

  • From your "Plan" page, hover over the name of a topic.

  • An option will appear to “Move” or “Delete” the assignment.

  • Click “Delete” to delete the assignment. You’ll need to confirm that you are happy to delete it.

  • Click “Move” to open a modal allowing you to move the assignment to another week. Select the week you’d like to

  • You cannot move a Retrieval quiz.

How to Check Results

The "Check" page is where you're able to check the completion of weekly assignments and hone in on quiz results.

Similar to the Plan page, assignments will be grouped into the weeks they were set in. The current week will be at the top of the secondary navigation, with each week prior listed below. Each week has a completion bar to indicate how much work has been completed during that week.

Once you’ve clicked into a week you can view which students have completed their work, and which have not, via the completion bars. Completion bars will take into consideration all quizzes that have been set (shown at the top of the page). This makes it easier for you to know which students you need to follow up with about completion!

Checking results:

If you would like to dig deeper into the results, to view misconceptions, etc. you have two options:

  1. Click the the name of a quiz:

    • This allows you to view the whole class's results for that particular quiz.

    • Clicking into individual questions to see the work each student did on that very question.

    • As prerequisite and retrieval quizzes are unique for each student, you cannot click into this comparison view for those quizzes. Instead, you can check these results on an individual student basis.

  2. Click on the name of a student:

    • This will open a view where each quiz is broken down for the student.

    • Clicking on each question number within a quiz will show you how the student answered each question and the work they did.

Completion bars:

Throughout the Check page you'll find completion bars. Each bar measures completion based on number of questions answered. For example, if a student has one quiz of 5 questions and has only answered 2 questions, this will display as 40% complete.

You'll notice that completion bars have different coloured areas. These represent how students answered their questions:

  • The full width of the bar represents the total completion percentage.

  • The red area represents how many answers were incorrect and their misconception was not resolved.

  • The purple area represents how many answers were incorrect and their misconception was resolved.

  • The green area represents how many answers were correct on their initial attempt.

  • You can hover over the different coloured sections to see the percentage.

How does Eedi Beta look for students?

For now, students will see Eedi exactly as they saw it before, all quizzes will appear in the order they are due.

We plan to improve the student experience in the future, where we will group each week's homework together for them, so they can see all the work that is due each week in one place.

Settings page breakdown

The "Settings" page is where you can manage your school data and assignment settings. Your data within the Settings page is split into 2 sections - Class Settings and School Settings.

  1. Class Settings:
    - These settings will correspond to the class you have selected in the class selector (at the top of your page).
    - The "Students" and "Teachers" sub-pages are where you can manage your student and teacher data for your chosen class.
    - "Invite Parents" allows you to generate and download specific parent invitations for your class.
    - The "MIS Sync" is for those who use Google Classroom, Wonde or Clever with Eedi. Here you'll be able to manage your data sync via your chosen MIS.
    - "Assignment Settings" is the place to visit if you'd like to update the start day of your weeks for your chosen class.

  2. School Settings:
    - This settings focus on your entire school and will ignore the class you have selected at the top of your page.
    - "Manage Classes" is where you'll find all of the classes you're assigned to.
    - "All Students" will show you all the students listed in your school.
    - "All Teachers" will show you all teachers listed in your school.

Need Help or have any feedback?

If you get stuck, need help in the platform, or have any feedback for us (such as ideas for improvements, things you do or don't like, things we're missing, etc.) please click on your profile icon at the bottom left corner of your page, and click "Chat to us".

Alternatively, you can email us directly at [email protected]. Please reference 'Eedi Beta' in your message so we know you're using the new version.

If you want to reach out to us now via live chat you can click on the blue chat bubble found at the bottom of this page and in our help centre.

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