Managing your school data

Learn how to manage and adjust your school data

Updated over a week ago

We've made managing your classes, students, and teachers as straightforward as possible via your Settings page!

Within your Settings page you'll notice various tabs:

School tab

Your School tab is where you can view, manage, and join classes.

  • To Edit your class click on the "Edit" button next to the class name. This will open up your class details, where you can update the name, department, and year group.

  • To leave or delete a class click on the 3 vertical dots and select your option.

  • To download your overall class insights click on the "Export" button. This will download a .csv file with overall class average scores and misconceptions stats.

Students tab

Your Students tab is where you can manage your students' accounts. You can add new students, update existing student details, move students between classes, download login details, etc. Here you can also see when students last logged in, and if they have a parent connected to their account.

  • To add new students you'll want to select a class from the class drop-down menu, then click on the "+ Add students" button.

  • To download your students' login details click on the "Download logins" button.

  • To edit a student's details click on the "Edit" button next to their information. Here you can edit their username, edit their first/last name, add/edit their email address, update their gender, date of birth, year group, or update their password.

  • To add students to a class, or move them to a different class, use the tickboxes to select your students and then choose one of the actions at the bottom of the table.

Teachers tab

The Teachers tab lists all teachers currently in your school. You can filter your classes menu to view teachers in a particular class.

You can also see who has the role of an admin, how many classes each teacher is in, and their last login date.

  • Add teachers to classes/remove them from classes by hovering over their number of classes in the Classes column. You can also use the tick-boxes to select multiple teachers ready to add them to classes.

  • Click the Invite Teachers button to reveal your school's invitation code. You can give this code to teachers in your school and they can enter it during sign up. This will allow them to join the school without needing to be approved. Make sure that you only give this to teachers who are a part of your school.

If you're an admin:

  • You'll also see a Pending tab. This will allow you to see if any teachers have requested to join the school. You can approve/decline their request here.

  • You'll see an Actions column. If you click the "Edit" button you can assign or remove admin rights. If you click the three dots next to a teacher you'll be able to remove them from the school.

Parents tab

The Parents tab allows you to invite your students' parents to join Eedi and see who already has a parent connected.

  • You have the option to download Student specific invites. This will provide you with a personalised invitation letter for each student in your class, that doesn't already have a parent linked to their account.

  • You can also download a General invitation which will be the same letter copy that you can send to all parents.

  • Further down on the page you can see if parents have already signed up, and can also send direct invitations to parents using their email addresses.

Motivate tab

The Motivate tab is where you can learn about all of the different ways we try to keep students motivated on Eedi 💪 This includes information on Prize draws, Class Challenge, Class League, and School League.

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