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Independent study

What is independent practice, how do we suggest topics for students and how do they access them?

Updated over 12 months ago

Aside from completing quizzes assigned by teachers, students can also study independently on Eedi!

How does it work?

We recommend topics for your students to work on and adapt to their needs as we learn more about their strengths and weaknesses.

We offer every student who joins Eedi the Starter Quiz. This is a 10-question dynamic quiz that is tailored to every student which we use to identify strengths and weaknesses. The results of this quiz help us to ensure that we recommend the best topics to support their learning. Students can be assured that getting questions wrong in this quiz is ok - it lets us learn more about them!

If the student is logging in for the first time they'll find their Starter Quiz right away on their Learn page.

Once the Starter quiz has been completed we'll place each student on a topic level.

What are topic levels?

We use levels to group together quizzes and create different learning pathways for students. We place each student on their own learning pathway so that we can recommend the most suitable topics for them to focus on if they choose to study independently.

Levels start off easier and increase in difficulty as students progress through them. As they complete topics we start to understand more about their learning habits so we can continue to offer them support in topics areas needed most.

Where do students find independent study?

If your students do not have any active assignments set by your (ot another teacher) we will recommend them topics to work on.

Whilst we recommend work for students, they can also browse through their topic level (and other levels) and search for quizzes via the Independent Learning tab:

How does independent study work?

Independent study topics work in the same way as topic quizzes that have been assigned by a teacher. Students will answer 5 diagnostic questions and have the chance to work through lessons on any of the questions, especially those with misconceptions identified.

Find out more about how topics and lessons work here.

How can I see what my students have been working on independently?

You can see which independent study topics students have been working on via your Results page > Independent Study tab.

You'll see which topics have been completed and by which students. We'll also show you the Misconception stats for each topic, and you can view individual student results by clicking on the "Results" button.

Independent study results will be presented in the same way that we display assignment results.

Learn more about understanding quiz results here.

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