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How do quizzes work?
How do quizzes work?

Learn how we identify and resolve misconceptions using our topic quizzes πŸ™‡

Updated over 4 months ago

We use Diagnostic Questions to uncover misconceptions, then offer tailored lessons to help students resolve them πŸŽ‰

Quizzes contain 5 multiple-choice diagnostic questions. Each question is designed to look at specific pieces of information that build up your students' knowledge. The 5 multiple-choice diagnostic questions increase in difficulty, and we focus on resolving any uncovered misconceptions at the time they are identified before students move on to the following question.

Lessons are available for every topic question. When students get questions wrong, we'll take them through a lesson containing teach videos with worked examples, thinking questions, your turn questions and fluency practice questions.

How does this look for students? πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

When starting a quiz, your student will be prompted to answer the 1st diagnostic question using the multiple-choice answer options provided - also known as their "Check-in" question:

If the student gets the answer right, they will move on to the 2nd diagnostic question.

If the student gets the answer wrong, they will be given a helpful written hint from Eedi based on their answer, and the opportunity to try answering again, known as their "Check-in retry". If they get the answer wrong again, they will be given a written explanation of the correct answer and then jump into a lesson.

The lesson will start off with a teach video created by our expert content team. The teach videos contain a Worked Example, Thinking questions and a Your Turn scenario.

Following the videos, students will be asked 4 fluency practice questions to check their understanding. These questions are free-text and students will self-mark their answers against Eedi's answer. Solution videos are available for all 4 fluency practice questions if needed:

After completing the 4 fluency practice questions, students will be given another multiple-choice diagnostic question, known as their "Check-out" question. This question will be very similar to their Check-in question. If the student gets this right they'll move on to the next diagnostic question with their misconception marked as resolved. If the student gets this wrong they'll be given written feedback and a second attempt to answer the question, also known as their "Check-out retry". If they get this correct their misconception is marked as resolved. If they get this incorrect their misconception remains unresolved.

Can I preview the quiz formats as a teacher?

Yes! You can take any quiz when viewing it Eedi. To do this:

  1. Click on the Set work and find the quiz you'd like to preview.


  2. Click on the "Take Quiz" button and choose your quiz type.


  3. You can now work through the quiz from a student perspective!


Students with Eedi Plus can request help from a tutor at any point during the quiz by clicking the "Ask for help!" button.

πŸ™‹ Tutors are available on weekdays from 9am - 11pm & on weekends from 9am - 8pm (UK time)!

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