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Manage your Wonde syncs

Have control over what data you'd like to sync onto Eedi, and when, with our Wonde sync management page

Updated over 5 months ago

If you have a Wonde connection in place with us our MIS Sync page will allow you to manage the data you want to share onto Eedi. Syncing your data means that we'll automatically copy your classes from your MIS (e.g. SIMS, Arbor, etc) and set them up on Eedi for you πŸ’ͺ

Want to set up Wonde with us? Fill out our Wonde set up form here

Finding your MIS data on Eedi

  • Go to the Settings page, click on the MIS Sync tab and select "Wonde" from the MIS drop-down menu.

  • Here you'll see your MIS information. Each column represents the following:

    • MIS Group: These are the classes in your MIS.

    • MIS ID: This is the unique MIS ID for each class.

    • Department: The department this class has been assigned to in your MIS.

    • Eedi Group: The name of this class on Eedi. If blank, the class is not synced to Eedi.

    • Sync status: Shows whether the class is synced, partially synced, or not synced onto Eedi.

    • Sync Options: Allows you to edit the chosen class.

  • The search boxes at the top of the table will allow you to search for a specific class name, or, you can search for a department (such as maths) if you want to view only maths classes in one go.

Note: When searching for classes you must use the same name formatting that has been used in your MIS.
E.g. If a class is named "7aMa1" in your MIS, it won't appear if you search for "7a1".

Syncing your classes

  • Use the tick boxes to select which classes you'd like to sync. Use the drop-down menus to select the year group and department that you'd like to assign to your chosen classes.

  • Click the "Sync [x] Groups" button.


The Sync Status column indicates your class status on Eedi.

Your class has been synced in full on Eedi. All data from your MIS class matches the class set up on Eedi.

Partially Synced

Your class has been synced onto Eedi, but your class setup in your MIS does not match. This may occur if you have students in the class in your MIS that aren't yet synced onto Eedi.

Not Synced

This class has not been synced onto Eedi.

Removing your classes

If you have classes on Eedi that are no longer active in your MIS (such as at the start of a new school year), you'll notice a red message appear giving your the option to archive those classes.

If you choose to archive your classes they will no longer appear on Eedi. Ensure to save any result data from those classes before archiving.

We're a Wonde school but don't have access to this, why?

If your school had Wonde set up prior to the release of our MIS Sync page, your school will continue to automatically sync every 7-14 days.

If you want to disable the automated syncs and manage your MIS data yourself, please contact us at [email protected] and we can update this for you.

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