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Our quiz content and supporting materials
Our quiz content and supporting materials

Eedi offers more than just diagnostic quizzes! Learn more about our free content and supporting materials

Updated over 7 months ago

Not only does Eedi help to identify misconceptions, we strive to resolve them! Our content helps to resolve over 90% of student misconceptions, supporting your students in the areas they need it most - All for free! πŸš€


Our content is grouped into collections to help make searching for topics easy. Our current Collections are:

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK-mapped content

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US-mapped content

  • Common Core Standards (3rd - 8th Grade)

  • TEKS Standards (6th - 8th Grade)


We have hundreds of quizzes available covering all areas of maths! Our quizzes are made up of 5 Diagnostic Questions and each question is designed to look at specific pieces of information that build up your students' knowledge.


But what if I want to check that my students are ready to tackle this quiz? That's where our clever AI model prediction and pre-requisite questions come in handy, ready to set your students up for success! πŸ’ͺ

Before assigning a topic we'll predict how your class are likely to perform. If you want to ensure that your students have the best chance at succeeding in the topic, you can assign them a 3-question quiz which will include the pre-requisite skills needed.

The 3-question quiz is generated based on your students' predicted ability and will either assign a generic prerequisite quiz, or one that is tailored to individual students' needs. If misconceptions are identified in any of the 3 questions we'll provide your students with a lesson to work on resolving that misconception.

You also have the option to present the generic 3-question quiz to your class if you want to make this a class discussion activity instead!

Skills covered in this quiz

This section clearly shows what different skills will be tested in this quiz. You can click on any skill to filter for the materials specific to that skill.

Diagnose 🎯

Here you'll see the multiple-choice Diagnostic Question which covers the skill you've selected. These questions are marked automatically and instantly recorded for you to review. Each incorrect answer reveals a specific misconception.

You can click on the question and then select "Show answers" to see the misconception explanation for each.

Resolve βœ…

Each maths skill is mapped to a worked example video, broken into three different sections. These videos are created to try and resolve the student's misconception.

Firstly, the teacher will demonstrate and talk thorough how to do the skill with an example question.

After this, the students will be asked self-explanation prompts to think about each step taken in the teacher's example.

Finally, the student is given a similar problem to work out to check their understanding.

You can click on the videos to watch them.

Secure πŸ”

Our secure questions hone in on your students' understanding, and there are two types of practice available.

Fluency practice (Basic) questions are questions that are similar to the initial question that the student struggled with. Fluency practice is designed to help students grow confidence and competence.

Intelligent practice (Advanced) questions relate to each other. The task here is to get the question right and understand the relationship and connection between each to try and help students predict what will happen next.

Each question has a resolution video to show how the teacher would work through it, step by step.

Master πŸ†

For students who have nailed a concept we have Problem Solving and Explain the Mistake questions available.

These questions are designed to be hard! They'll have your students try to problem solve, weave together different areas of maths, and sift through surface contexts.

Again, each question has a solution video available that goes through the answer step by step.

All content can be clicked on to enlarge and make full-screen, handy for when you want to go through something as a class!

πŸ‘‰ Ready to assign a quiz? Check out our guide here!

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