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Proficiency scores

Use our proficiency scores to determine which skills your students have mastered and which require further action

Updated over a month ago

Proficiency scores assess students' mastery of mathematical constructs across all quizzes assigned to them Eedi. Using our model, we provide you with both individual student and class proficiency scores so you know which areas require attention.

How do proficiency scores work? πŸ™‚

To determine proficiency scores, we start by looking at all the quizzes assigned to a student, and the different constructs they cover. These are the skills they need to master.

We then look at all their attempts at diagnostic questions that relate to these skills (including during assignments, prerequisite, retrieval and independent study)

Answering questions correctly or incorrectly contributes towards our understanding of whether a skill has been mastered.

To ensure that students aren't penalised for earlier work prior to mastery, we focus on their most recent answers linked to each skill.

Proficiency scoring is dynamic so the more questions students answer, the more we can reveal about their mastery or potential knowledge gaps.

Can a skill be un-mastered? Yes, if students start to answer questions incorrectly a skill can revert to being un-mastered.

Where can I find my proficiency scores? πŸ“ˆ

Proficiency scores will be found on your Reports page, under the Proficiency section:

The table will show your class list and the different constructs that have been assigned to them. You'll see a "Total Skills Mastered" column for your class average and each individual student in the class.

Proficiency score overview

To get an overview of your students' proficiency scores visit the Overview section:

Here you will see a table of all the students in your class, showing their average completion %, effort score % and total no. of skills mastered.

You can click on the action cards at the top of the page to filter for which students to praise, and which need further support.

How do I know if a construct has been mastered? πŸ†

Looking at the table above, where a construct has been mastered you'll see a tick.

If a construct shows "STARTED" this means that students have answered questions linked to this construct, but it hasn't yet been mastered and more correct answers are needed.

Where the table is blank, questions have not yet been answered for that construct.

Effective ways for you to use proficiency scores 🌟

  • Plan targeted revision: Identify the constructs where your class shows the least proficiency and plan revision sessions or homework to address these gaps.

  • Create small intervention groups: Group students into smaller intervention groups to work on specific constructs they found challenging.

  • Encourage retrieval practice: Our retrieval algorithms will automatically surface questions that students need to revisit which will lead to greater proficiency.

  • Maximize insights with comprehensive use: The more comprehensively you use Eedi, setting homework and retrieval practice, the more the proficiency score will reflect the full coverage of constructs your students have learnt, allowing you a clearer picture of their understanding and any emerging gaps.

  • Focus on recent performance: Proficiency score assigns more weight to newer answers, making retrieval practice especially useful for students. The more they practice the more likely they are to reattempt tricky constructs and therefore boost their proficiency score.

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